The packaging material called “strapping”, used on automatic machines, semiautomatic or manual, is composed by plastic material from two different natures: Polypropylene (PP) and Polyester (PET).
For their molecular nature can not be mixed together.
They are both petroleum derivatives but with very different characteristics such as the specific weight:
– 0.92 for PP
– 1.35 for PET
Campanini‘s Strappingbands are produced by polypropylene virgin 100% , not derived from recycling, bought from major manufacturers market leader.
The strappingbands can be produced white, natural color of the granule base, or black addicted changing properties of rigidity, toughness and dimensional constancy strapping, being used in quantities of less than 1 %.
This coloring is typically used to differentiate the strapping band from the dimensional.
Conventionally, the straps of a width of from 5 mm to 12 mm diameter tubes packed on 200/280/392 are white.
The other widths and diameter tubes 392/406 mm are black.
The black color also increases the product’s resistance to prolonged sunlight exposure .
That choice is still oriented to the needs of clients.

We can print the strapping Polypropylene up to 3 colors to maximize customer’s brand and ensure the safety of the product with a unique and inimitable seal.
Our company has always worked and still collaborates with the best strapping machines producers with continuous development and improvement of the product, up to customize the production on the specific needs of each client machine.
We have developed innovative products Against Cuttin Corner, Against Dust and High Tenacity for every application
Polyester polymer has a greater specific weight, is more rigid and is used for the production of the strappingbands by 100% recycled material.
The flakes of polyester derived from the recycling of PET bottles by specialized companies which select and grind the product for subsequent use.
The PET strapping of Campanini looks green translucent and semi-transparent, and the color id due to the selection of recycled material supplied.
The Raw material is not added with any antisplitting master because the technology of our production facilities, currently the most innovative on the market, does not need it and also developes a tenacity about 15% higher than the homologous on the market.
The equal dimensions Polyester strappingbands are heavier and more tenacious than the corresponding polypropylene ones and are used in all greater resistance and lower tensile elongation applications as Ceramic industry.
The PET material, by its nature, is not affected in any way of the effects of prolonged sunlight exposure .
Our strapping does not need the high temperature welding dueto purity of the raw material.
That means our clients can saving energy and limiting the maximum fumes and welding slag